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Cuvântul "just". Dictionar englez roman

  1. just uk/us[ʌst]
    1. adjectiv
      1. corect, imparțial
      2. justificat; împământat;
        meritat; just fear doar frica; a just reward premiu binemeritat
      3. adevărat, exact; just proportion proporție corectă, proporție corectă
    2. adverb
      1. exact, exact, exact; it is just what I said tocmai asta am spus; just so exact; just in time la timp; just then exact atunci; just the other way about (or round ) exact invers
      2. doar; he has just come tocmai a venit
      3. de abia; I just caught the train Abia, abia am prins trenul
      4. colocvial — absolut, direct, simplu; it's just splendid este de-a dreptul superb; just like that fără nici cea mai mică dificultate
  2. just uk/us[ʌst]
    = joust

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