Barbie / Barbie (2023-07-19) - subtitrări filmului
Învățați limba engleză cu ajutorul subtitrărilor paralele ale filmului "Barbie".
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Totul 4 carte și 114 de video educativ disponibil gratuit pentru a învăța cuvinte englezești online.
Intriga filmului
Barbie și Ken petrec cel mai bine în lumea plină de culoare și aparent perfectă din Barbie Land. Cu toate acestea, când au șansa de a merge în lumea reală, descoperă în curând bucuriile și pericolele de a trăi printre oameni.
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Since the beginning of time,
De la începutul timpurilor...
since the first little girl
ever existed,
de când a apărut prima fetiță,
there have been dolls.
Păpușile au fost întotdeauna
But the dolls were always
and forever baby dolls.
Dar papusile au fost intotdeauna
Papusi copii
Papusi copii
The girls who played with them
could only ever play at being mothers.
could only ever play at being mothers.
Fetele care se jucau cu ele
se jucau mereu de-a mamica.
Which can be fun,
at least for a while, anyway.
Ceea ce a fost distractiv...
cel puțin pentru o vreme.
cel puțin pentru o vreme.
Ask your mother.
Întreabă-ți mama.
This continued until...
Și a continuat asa până...
Barbie changed everything.
Da, Barbie a schimbat totul.
Then, she changed it all again.
Și apoi a schimbat din nou totul.
All of these women are Barbie,
Toate aceste femei sunt Barbie
and Barbie is
all of these women.
și Barbie sunt toate aceste femei.
She might have started out as
just a lady in a bathing suit,
A inceput ca o doamnna in costum de baie,
but she became so much more.
dar ea a devenit ceva mult mai mult
She has her own money,
her own house,
Ea are banii lui, propria lui casă,
her own car, her own career.
propria mașină și propria carieră.
Because Barbie can be anything,
women can be anything.
Pentru ca Barbie poate fi
orice, femeia poate fi orice
And this has
been reflected back
Si asta s-a relectat
onto the little girls of today
in the Real World.
in fetitele de azi
din lumea reala
Girls can grow into women,
Fetele se transforma in femei
who can achieve everything
care realizeaza in viata tot
ce si-au propus in minte.
and anything
they set their mind to.
Multumita lui Barbie
Thanks to Barbie,
toate problemele cu feminismul
și drepturile lor egale...
all problems of feminism
and equal rights
have been solved.
au fost rezolvate.
At least
that's what the Barbies think.
Cel puțin așa crede Barbie.
After all,
they're living in Barbie Land.
La urma urmei, ei trăiesc în Barbieland.
Who am I to burst their bubble?
Cine sunt eu să spun altfel?
And here is one
of those Barbies now,
Si aici avem una dintre Barbie!
living her best day every day.
♪ When I wake up ♪
♪ In my own pink world ♪
♪ I get up out of bed and wave to my homegirls ♪
♪ Hey, Barbie, hey ♪
♪ She's so cool ♪
♪ All dolled up ♪
♪ Just playing chess by the pool ♪
♪ Come on, we got important things to do ♪
♪ It's her and her and me and you ♪
♪ And pink goes with everything ♪
♪ Beautiful from head to toe ♪
♪ I'm read' to go You know, you know ♪
♪ It's pink Good enough to drink♪
♪ We like other colors but ♪
♪ Pink just looks so good on us ♪
♪ What you wearing? Dress or suit? ♪
♪ Either way, that power looks so good on you ♪
♪ Hey, Barbie I like your style ♪
♪ If that was really a mirror you'd see a perfect smile ♪
♪ Round and round and round and round and ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Go Barbie, go Barbie ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Go Barbie, go Barbie ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Come on, we got important things to do ♪
♪ It's her and her and me and you ♪
♪ And pink goes with everything ♪
♪ Beautiful from head to toe ♪
♪ I'm read' to go You know, you know ♪
-♪ It's pink ♪ -♪ Pretty pink ♪
-♪ Good enough to drink ♪ -♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ We like other colors but ♪
♪ Pink just looks so good on us ♪
♪ P, pretty ♪
♪ I, intelligent ♪
♪ N, never sad ♪
♪ K, cool ♪
♪ When I wake up ♪
♪ In my own pink world ♪
♪ I get up out of bed and wave to my homegirls ♪
♪ Hey, Barbie, hey ♪
♪ She's so cool ♪
♪ All dolled up ♪
♪ Just playing chess by the pool ♪
♪ Come on, we got important things to do ♪
♪ It's her and her and me and you ♪
♪ And pink goes with everything ♪
♪ Beautiful from head to toe ♪
♪ I'm read' to go You know, you know ♪
♪ It's pink Good enough to drink♪
♪ We like other colors but ♪
♪ Pink just looks so good on us ♪
♪ What you wearing? Dress or suit? ♪
♪ Either way, that power looks so good on you ♪
♪ Hey, Barbie I like your style ♪
♪ If that was really a mirror you'd see a perfect smile ♪
♪ Round and round and round and round and ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Go Barbie, go Barbie ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Go Barbie, go Barbie ♪
♪ That's my Barbie ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Come on, we got important things to do ♪
♪ It's her and her and me and you ♪
♪ And pink goes with everything ♪
♪ Beautiful from head to toe ♪
♪ I'm read' to go You know, you know ♪
-♪ It's pink ♪ -♪ Pretty pink ♪
-♪ Good enough to drink ♪ -♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ We like other colors but ♪
♪ Pink just looks so good on us ♪
♪ P, pretty ♪
♪ I, intelligent ♪
♪ N, never sad ♪
♪ K, cool ♪
Traindu-si cea mai buna zi
a ei,zilnic
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